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AFL Betting is to Face Restriction

AFL betting

AFL betting has to face some serious restrictions soon in terms of media workers’ betting during sport eventsThe Australian Football League has revealed the introduction of new regulations for journalists and broadcasters who bet on games during the Australian rules competition.

Therefore, from tomorrow, the 18th of February Australian media won’t be able to wager on a game in which they are attending for work purposes. The starting date of the new rule in AFL betting is from Thursday, the start of the pre-season cup.

AFL’s intention is to introduce a five-hour-long blackout period for the media regarding AFL betting. It would start from they enter the stadium until 2 hours before the final siren sounds. Despite these restrictions, media workers still can take their bets on matches which they are actually covering but only from outside the blackout duration.

According to AFL’s statement, members of media showed interest in many cases to misuse sensitive team information. These restrictions are applied to more than 1,000 AFL-accredited journalists, radio and television reporters, photographers, cameramen and production staff.

The Australian Football League asserted that these restrictions are in the help of preventing sport from the misused information gained by media workers during working in a match.  Moreover, they added these regulations are as a part of the response to the incorrect handling of sensitive information in connection with team assignments, injuries and strategies. AFL Media and club personnel, have long been restricted from all types of football betting. Concerns over information handling surrounding teams emerged last year also due to ‘integrity crackdown‘.

You can check our articles here if you want to find more information about AFL betting and also about how to bet on football.

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