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Presidential Election Odds for the Betting Voter: Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Trump, Clinton, or Michael Bloomberg?

presidential election odds

With the Republican Debate 8 on February 6 having come to a close, online sportsbooks around the world continue to take bets on who will be the next president of the United States, giving drastically different presidential election odds for each of the candidates.

The 8th Republican Debate had only finished a few days ago, and the online sportsbooks are already updating the presidential election odds for the hopefuls. The question that is on everyone’s mind is — who will be the next President of the United States? Will it be Hillary Clinton? Or maybe Chris Christie? Ted Cruz? Marco Rubio? Donald Trump? Or maybe even the business magnate Michael Bloomberg?

We’ll find out in November 2016, but we wouldn’t be called Betting Herald if we wouldn’t see a good opportunity for a well-placed bet as the proceedings unravel. Naturally, the biggest online sportsbooks in the world are as always ahead in the betting game, offering the betting voters a chance to make money on their candidate of choice. These bets are well-spread, but the top 5 are (as in, the 5 candidates who are given the best odds of winning the presidency by the leading sportsbooks online): Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Ted Cruz.

There was no mention of Michael Bloomberg in the betting odds aggregators that we had checked for this article, probably because he hadn’t announced that he’s running, but I’m sure that we’re not the only ones who’d heard the rumors of him running as an independent if Trump makes it past Cruz in the polls after his Iowa disaster.

With the polls and the numbers being the highlights of the 2016 Presidential Elections, the actual policies seem to drown out in the background noise, but, according to research, the electorate is as interested in policies as ever. The topics that people appear to be most interested in are what their candidates are planning to do regarding the difficult questions of immigration policies, their stance on abortion, gun control, education, and climate change.

But what are the presidential election odds the online sportsbooks are giving the candidates? Well, it depends who you ask, but William Hill are giving the odds of 10 to 11 for Hillary Clinton, 5 to 2 for Marco Rubio, 7 to 1 for Donald Trump, 13 to 2 for Bernie Sanders, 16 to 1 for Ted Cruz, and, unlike many other betting sites, they have included Michael Bloomberg as well, giving the former New York mayor the odds of 33 to 1 …

… just in case.

What are your favorite candidates? Who do you think has the biggest chance of winning? Are you planning on betting on any of the hopefuls to cash out? Perhaps you have placed your bets already?

As always, let us know in the comments below!

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