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Online NFL Betting Fans’ Favorite Darius Fleming Turns into a Hero

online NFL betting

Online NFL betting fan’s favorite Darius Fleming saved a woman from a “burning” car last week. He kicked the passenger side-window open, pulled the lady out of the vehicle, had himself cut on his leg and got 22 stitches to close the wound. Despite his injury, he played against the Kansas City Chiefs on Saturday night.

According to online American Football news, Social media sites celebrated him first, then accused him of lying. Eventually, he has been labelled as a super hero after police reports confirmed his heroic act.

New England Patriots’ linebacker Darius Fleming claimed that he rescued a woman from a burning car in a location a mile away from the Gilette Stadium, Massachusetts. It was his excuse for having 22 stitches in his right leg before the important Kansas City Chiefs game. Naturally, he enjoyed being a hero for a while. However, he skipped an important detail: he had to struggle against the allegations of the media before ascending the stairs of fame as a superman.

Fleming’s misfortune stemmed from a previous story in which Cincinnati Bengals’ corner-back Josh Shaw made up a story in order to explain the underlying reasons behind his sprained ankle. He claimed that he saved his drowning nephew out of a swimming pool. It turned that he jumped out of balcony after having an argument with his girlfriend. His lie led his suspension from the team indefinitely. As you can imagine, media was quick to draw similarities between Shaw’s story and Fleming’s.

There were reports on magazines and social media accounts stating that they couldn’t find a record of a burning car in Massachusetts when Fleming claimed he performed his heroic act.

Vince Wilfork –  nose tackle player for the Houston Texans –  has also been involved to a similar incident last year, on his way home from the game against the Indianapolis Colts. A tipped over Jeep near to Gillette Stadium has caught his attention, so he pulled over and helped the lady, who was arrested later because of ‘driving under the influence of alcohol’.

Since American football is considered as one of the most popular sport to bet on, online NFL betting could be influenced by issues like these, because people give more credit to those players or teams who are part of the daily discussions owing to heroic actions.

That’s the way online NFL betting is influenced by  NFL news, and that’s the prize of fame; whatever you do, people will try to use it against you first.

If you wonder about the performance of New England Patriots’ with injured Darius Fleming, you can check our live American Football scores section.

Image credit: NFL
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